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About Us:

Hello. CapeCannabis.com was originally conceived as a way for me to be able to afford my own marijuana medicine. I needed to find a way to level the playing field a bit, as I simply was unable to afford the substantial fees the  Massachusetts medical marijuana dispensaries charge up to this point.

In the coming weeks I look forward to discussing with local small business owners in the growing marijuana field (excuse pun), to see if we cant help local businesses prosper along with our websites, in order to benefit all of those on Cape Cod who seek to take advantage of their rights under the law, medical or recreational.

We thank you for visiting, and we hope that as the market matures we are able to bring you a vibrant, comprehensive and updated location for those in Cape Cod to enjoy.

The law Massachusetts Law allows gifting of 1 ounce of pot to another person over 21 each month. I would certainly appreciate any of you who would be willing to help, be it weed or seed.. I prefer to spend my money on mortgage payments, instead of a bunch of weed.  If & when I am in a position, I plan to do the same.

Thank you for visiting.  Email.

* Cape Cannabis does not advocate illegal activity.

Mail: bob@fontainesdomains.com
Crop King Marijuana Seeds
Introducing the DaVinci IQ - now available from VapeWorld

Cape Cod Cannabis News, Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Dispensary, Plant & Grow, Sales & Services Directory.